About us

Це все помічено з фактом, що I - Anna, творець THE ONE 1 brand, am very very very cold, even if it's summer outside and I'm just setting in shade. Зі fall and winter have always been very hard for me, full of depression, unwillingness to go mimo periods and I literally hibernate in all areas of my life.

I hated putting на thermal underwear that was as thick as fur coat, sweaters, pants and then I felt like a clumsy bulb. І якщо я маю тягнуться над ним, це стає все ордеал. And still it був blowing everywhere and I був tense, shaking from the cold and did not get any pleasure from being outside.

При такому часі, якщо я збираюсь в кафе до варіння, я переміщуюсь, і я не можу більше комфортабельного, я хотів, щоб стріляти в моїх hands, і клацнути в моїх штанах, які вислизали від моїх thermal underwear , Які можуть бути добре serve as protection from any date. Like an amulet.)

З course, style was out of question, because if I dressed stylishly, it meant cold and angry and no being able to go for walk....

And ONE day I зажадав jumpsuit, cheap, Chinese in worst sense of the word, ordered it to try on and realized it was the solution. Це був один-день, варення і не було білим кудись. Я здійснив, що це було моєю мірою до freedom and enjoying winter walks. So I started working on creating the perfect jumpsuit.

Вона була важливою, що вона була погано і твердо, неабияк soft inside, так що це добре приємно до тіла, як і cloud була розробка.

При тому ж часі, він мав на увазі stylish, немає як tagge, suitable для будь-якого моменту, який вдома або в cafe. Це означає, що фабрика має бути в правій якості. And most важливо, the fit. Це має бути комфортним для bend over and lie down and sit up and stand up. I був looking for a second-skin effect. And it had to be a suit that emphasizes the figure and hides flaws, не як shapeless bag.

Це важливо для того, щоб переконатися, що я маю абсолютно ніякий для того, щоб бути в світі світу або сівання, я не знаю, як казати на кнопці. Це буде безліч пряників і безліч страв. And add that to the fact that I тільки had $1000 my savings for the idea. All I had був faith in the idea and enthusiasm.

Я маю на увазі styls, designs, looked for fabrics, і met people. And my first jumpsuit, black Original, went out in the world. Це було шість років тому. 1 model, no advertising - it went like a pie.

And 6 years later you are still in the same store, but with completely different sizes and lineup. Але still with the same soul, love, warmth and comfort.

I'm still starting at +18 jumping в мої overalls і веселяться життя, якізавжди.

I keep making mistakes, вивчаючи things from the world of cutting and sewing. Я продовжую робити містаки, вивчити деякий про світ порізання і зимування, і рефінувати мої байдарки (як zipper на мою butt to go to the toilet - він був хлопець, що розписується popularity джимпsuits до sky).

We have several production shops all over Ukraine. Ми безпосередньо купуємо велику фабрику від фабрики кольорів, наші оздоблення і accessories є специфічно для нас в найкращих фабриках, будуть ніби зірки, ТВ shows, спортивні teams і промислові enterprises до роботи на street of teams.

Наші клієнти мають свої відео та фото, запрошують своїх людей і тепер ми збираємося до світу.

I'm always in touch on instagram and I'm always following what you like and what needs to be refined, I can spontaneously get in touch with everyone and have tremendous amount of fun doing it - You are my growth point and the grow point of the jumpsuits. Thank you for being with us and for going along for the ride!

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Handcrafted Excellence

Be sexy even in winter clothes

Our patterns sculpt an hourglass figure, accentuating all the body's assets.

Confidently sweet, uncontrollably spicy - we are candy that you will want to taste, and our overalls? Perfect deployment.

Super soft, cozy,and a warm cloth

Breathable cotton regulates body temperature inside the overalls, preventing hypothermia or overheating. and warm fabric

Freedom of movement

No more layering up to stay warm. Collect compliments wherever you are: while shopping, on a date or relaxing in Courchevel.

Hidden zippers

It's easy to go to the ladies room and keep your lovely breasts a secret.

A stylish outfit is ready in 30 seconds

These are different colors and styles that you can choose according to your temperament and occasion. Rather, it will be gentle, brutal or stylish.

We sew exclusively in small batches to preserve quality and uniqueness

Our customers love us

Handcrafting at its best! The jumpsuit accentuates my beautiful curves and I feel confident in it.

Reading the reviews above makes me realize that these jumpsuits are truly extraordinary. They have some magic; they make me look several years younger, slimmer and more beautiful. I wear it without taking it off, I admire myself in the mirror and in the photo.

I feel like a model in these overalls. I've never been very happy with my figure, and here I can't be happy with my reflection. Thank you very much!

These overalls are perfect for photo shoots. Bought for myself, wife and child. The photos are incredibly beautiful, and you can continue to wear them in everyday life, not just for photo shoots.

Super stylish overalls. The quality is excellent. They fit perfectly. We are delighted. I highly recommend them. They are ideal for both photo sessions and travel.

I am very glad that I decided to order the jumpsuit here, although I doubted that it would fit me. In the end the overalls arrived and the quality is top notch. It looks amazingly beautiful on me! It suits me perfectly!

I'm not just recommending that you buy this jumpsuit; I insist on this! It's the best thing in my wardrobe and I can't imagine how I lived without it before! It's an incredible piece and in 5 minutes I'm ready to walk out looking fantastic. You should buy such things; you won't want to take it off.

I bought it in the winter and it didn't freeze at all! Great for walks; I get dressed and go, sweaters and pants are not needed. I wore it for vacations in the mountains and on airplanes. Perfect fit! It looks great on my non-standard figure.

The overalls are perfect! Both in terms of quality and fit. The fabric is quite dense, the soft pile is irresistible, you want to touch it. The cuffs are not tight - great.

Need help with sizing?

Email us for help or check the size chart.

Last questions

How to choose the size?

What is the fit of the overalls?

Do jumpsuits shape your figure?

What makes overalls warmer than sports?

How warm is the jumpsuit?

Are there overalls for pregnant women?

How can I contact you?